RioRelax - Laravel Luxury Hotel & Resort Booking Script

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1 1.3k
PHP 8.x, MySQL 5.x,JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL,Lavarel Framework



Admin panel:

Admin account: admin – 12345678 (username & password are autofilled)

Customer login page:

Customer info: [email protected] – 12345678

Riorelax – Laravel Hotel and Resort Booking system. Riorelax is a clean, premium, and modern booking script. It is responsive on literally any screen size, this way you can worry less about the interface, and focus on what is important. Use Riorelax, and create something amazing!

Riorelax script is made with currently best features where you can get details about a hotel facilities including rooms and suits details with booking process. You can also get latest blogs and gallery features about hotels. This script include with 5 wonderfully designed home pages and attractive 10+ inner pages. Hotelina is powered by HTML5 with CSS and using Bootstrap5 framework. The code structure of this template is completely clean and very well organized so anyone can easily customize it. It is also fully responsive and W3 Validation markup.

We have built this script base on in-depth research on pecially Designed for coffee shops, cafe bars, cafeterias to your need and to the expectation for your clients.

We have a dedicated support center for all of your support needs. It includes our Documentation and Ticket system for any questions you have. We usually get back to you within 12-24 hours.


Apache, nginx, or another compatible web server.

PHP >= 8.1 >> Higher

MySQL Database server

PDO PHP Extension

OpenSSL PHP Extension

Mbstring PHP Extension

Exif PHP Extension

Fileinfo Extension

XML PHP Extension

Ctype PHP Extension

JSON PHP Extension

Tokenizer PHP Extension

Module Re_write server

PHP_CURL Module Enable

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