Dinber Dating PHP Script and App

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2 1.4k
PHP 7.x, MySQL 5.x,JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL,


Frontend :-- https://zhpsp.buzz/demo3/

Backend :-- https://zhpsp.buzz/demo3/admin
Email :-- [email protected] 
Password :-- 123456 

Dinber is a PHP based script with which you can set up a quality social dating network. Editing and modifying the code of this script is easy, and you can customize this script as you wish. You can easily customize the design of different parts of the script including the desktop version of the software, mobile version, landing pages and even notification emails. The Dinber script has a history extension that can be accessed from anywhere.

In order to run our software your web server must support:

PHP version 5.6 - 7.4 (not work with php >= 8.0)

MySQL version > 4.1.

Your server must have the following MySQL grant privileges (for tables): CREATE, ALTER, DROP

GD library (optional, to take advantage of the image thumbnailing feature your server must support it)

ionCube Loader 5.0 or newer (can be downloaded for free if needed).

Use ssl (https) in your website URL, for examplke $site_url = 'https://yourdomain.name'

Script documentation

Know how to build websites? Then you already know how to build mobile apps. Ionic Framework offers the best native app components for building highly interactive native and progressive mobile apps.

App features:

Built with Ionic Framework

Real time push notifications

Multiplatform videocall support - just on android

100% source code

A). To Install website upload content of Nulled.zip to root folder and go https://yourdomain.name/install

Now just follow the commands of the installer. It's very simple!

B). To use Dinber App - Ionic Framework.

Install Node.js. Then install the latest Cordova and Ionic command-line tools in your terminal.

npm install -g cordova ionic

Create an Ionic App using one of the ready-made app templates

"appname" is the folder where the app will be generated

ionic start "apppname" blank --type=ionic1

cd "appname"

Download Dinber ionic source

Save it in your computer in a place where you remember

Adding dinber www folder

Go to the root folder where you have your ionic app installed and exchange the exisiting www folder for the dinber www folder

Go to the www folder and open index.html file, then in the header you will find the place to add your url make sure to include http:// or https://

Run the mobile/app locally for check and edit if you want to edit something.

Testing your app in the browser with ionic serve or with an emulator is fast, easy and convenient when your app is in development

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