Pamhyip Script

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2 6.1k
PHP 5.x, MySQL 5.x,JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL,

Frontend url:--

Admin Access :--

Email :-  [email protected]

Password :-- 123456

Quick to respond layouts
Go ahead and build your website as responsive layouts
PAM HYIP script will work on any device and our script is completely a quick to responsive layout. It will work on all devices like Smart phones, desktop computer, laptops and tablets. No matter what device you use, surely you get you steady experience without annoy of implementing mobile or any other device layout. Custom hyip design layout will adapt to the user's screen resolution and screen size.

Whether you are building a website for your business the responsive layouts are easily catching and adaptable by all users. Your site should grow around your content and every aspect of Responsive designs determines that perfect design. So go ahead, start building your website with responsive layouts and will adapt to your needs.

Multiple payment gateways

Instantaneous use of multiple payment gateways
Our new hyip script supports the instantaneous use of multiple payment gateways permits the different customer accounts to be mapped to different payment gateways. Several payment gateways can be used to sector payment processing for different types of customer. For instance, you may use special payment gateways for international customers versus domestic customers. Some sites may wish to specify multiple payment gateways, base on geographic location, type of customers, product type, etc. Multiple payment gateways also help with optimizing payment methods or fees for certain gateways.

Payment methods represent the different options a customer has for making a payment. Most sites will accept credit card payments through a payment gateway, but there are other options our most reliable HYIP script software accepting the following payment gateways such as, Bitcon, Capitalsure, Cash4WM, CGold, ECumoney, EEECurrency, EGold, EGOpay, EVOWallet, Eway, GoldMoney, Googlecheckout, HD Money, Neteller, Netpay, Nixmoney, Okpay, Payeer, Paypal, Payza, Perfectmoney, Pexpay, Solidtrustpay, Strictpay, Webmoney and also other offline payment mode such as Bank Wire , Western Union and etc...

Effective features for Admin

Configure all admin settings and also update the information to user

  • Conventional member account plans with customizable facilities.

  • Instant payment notification based on contribution and product sales.

  • Facility to maintain all customer database information in various situations.

  • Individual and mass payment management segment with various detailed functions.

  • Efficient and reliable content management for FAQs, terms of use, and other site content.

  • HTML integration tool is well defined and conformable to various online instances.

  • Built in settings that constructed to permit connections to Social Networking pages..

  • Capability to set up commission fees and transaction fees based on different activities.

  • In our best hyip script, at any time user get the payment instantly if the admin sets payout as instant.

  • User can make a request to release the deposit at any time.

  • Exchange of e-currency is simple by accessing the member area.

  • Email and the news notifications automatically send to the user

Currency exchange

Quickest way to convert your currency in online
Built from the experience of managing billions in foreign exchange each year, our most reliable HYIP script software has created an online international payments service provides you with the quickest and easiest way to convert your currency online at the touch of a button wherever you have access to the internet and exchange counter of your local bank.

Save time and money by sending your international money transfers the easy way. Online currency exchange rates were saving you money on each and every transfer plus no hidden charges and no commission fees With our HYIP manager script Online you can set up and save the details of multiple recipients saving you time and making it even easier when making payments in the future. Review your full account history and see a summary of all your payments online. All transaction documentation formats like PDF, CSV and Excel is available for you to save on your computer or can be printed.

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